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New agent guide

Experienced Capsuleers


-Read the Corp Bulletins

-Keep doing what you want, where you want, when you want, but without taxes and now as a proud agent of the Bureau.

-Head towards the Amarr Empire if you wish to take advantage of the free supplies, researched BPO copying, and Tax Collection Fleets. 

-Use the in-game or out-of-game contact methods to keep in touch with your fellow agents and to work together when you wish to be more social.

-Let Cato the Future know if you want to use the SRP.


New Capsuleers (New Players)


-Same as above, but with a few additional tips.


-If you don't have a million skill points yet, optionally consider using this link ( to create a new character that will start off with 1,000,000 skill points, Keep in mind that this is a new account and not just a new character, so if you have bought omega or some pack already, it might not be worth it for your main. You can always have multiple accounts (alts) which can prove useful. You just can't play with multiple free accounts at once.


-Set up a skill plan for your training. There are a lot of ways you can do it, and it will depend on what you want to do, but for a basic plan check out this and google 'Magic 14 Eve'. (Eve University is a good website in general as well. Try the official Eve Academy for more video oriented basic learning)


-Complete all 5 career agent mission chains. These give you quite a bit of free ships, as well as basic experience with a lot of the options you have in EVE. You can find them by under 'The Agency' pop-up in the 'Agents & Missions' tab.


-Look into the Sisters of Eve epic arc 'The Blood Stained Stars'. Start this by going to talk to Sister Alitura at Arnon IX - Moon 3 . A few of the missions can be tough, so you might need a bit more skills and a destroyer or possibly a cruiser to finish. It has some decent money for new capsuleers, takes you around all of hi-sec space, and introduces you to some lore.


-My next recommendation would be to do a few missions (security, mining, or distribution - research is something else entirely) while you level up some basic skills. But this is not necessary if you don't want to. In fact, you never have to do missions again if you don't want to.


-From there, you do what you want! Eve is a free roaming sandbox. Ultimately there is no end-game goal, no final boss, no max level, or anything like that. There are a multitude of paths for your to explore - mining, solo and group PVP, pirating, exploration, building things, selling things, wormholes, conquering space in null-sec,


-You may find you enjoy being in this corp and want to stay (I hope you do) but keep in mind that you are always free to try to join other corporations as well as form your own if you have the skill 'Corporation Management' and a million and a half dollars. Most corporations have a specific focus or region. For example there are pirate corporations, hi-sec mining corporations, wormhole corporations, etc. Not all allow everyone in (minimum skill points and such), and not all use the application system you used to get in this corporation. You might be required to fill out an application and log in with your user name and password so they can check your character's details. This is usually not a scam, but use your judgement. There are three very large corporations/alliances aimed at new players: Brave Newbies, Karmafleet, and Pandemic Horde.



Some Additional Miscellaneous Tips:


1. The security rating (in the top left corner of your screen 1.0, 0.5, -0.3 for example) determines several important things. in 0.5-1.0 space (hi-sec) the police (Concord) will attack and destroy any capsuleer who attacks you. This does not mean you can't be killed before they get there though. Generally profit making activity increases as you enter riskier space.


2. You never have to pay real money in Eve if you don't want to, you can even use isk to buy plex and pay for your membership. 


3. You can be killed anytime you undock, and you will be if you keep playing. Don't try to fly the most expensive ship you can get at first, it in no way guarantees you will win a fight, and if you don't know what you are doing, you will most likely just lose money. Don't let it discourage you though, you can always get a free corvette from any station, and if you end up not having any money, the Bureau might can fit you out in a Tech 1 frigate to get you back on your feet.


4. If you are an Alpha clone (free account) you cannot fly capital or specialty sub-capital ships, but you can still do a lot and win fights if you know what you're doing.


5. Ask questions! You can ask in the Rookie Help Chat or if you want a more personalized, rambling response, ask Cato the Future or one of his alts in corp chat, or email if he is not logged in. There is far too much to learn everything at once, so it will be a continuous process, but hopefully one that stays fun.


6. Most importantly, yes, they all owe taxes. Collect them anywhere you can. From the belt pirates, to the miners, to the null sec roamers, and even the asteroids, uncollected taxes are all around you.

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